Suede for men – too few guys use it. It has a bad rep among men. It’s either too feminine, too fragile, or too inflexible. All of that is bullsh*t. Suede is an amazing material with considerable versatility, and I’ll explain why. Gentlemen, here are five ways that you can rock suede. All the […]
7 Definite Signs That It’s Time To Call It Quits (How To Let Go)
People often live in denial. They do a job they don’t want to do, be in a relationship they don’t want to be in and live their lives different to their desires. The key to living a happy life is knowing when and how to let go. Click Here To Watch The Video – 7 […]
The 3 Worst Money Mistakes | How Should You Spend Your Money?
Money. We all need it. Some say it’s the root of all evil. Others, that it ruins lives Can it? Only if you believe a few lies about it: That it should only be spent, not invested. That you should use it to impress people. That it defines your worth as a person. These are […]
Unbreakable: How The Top 1% Of Men Think Differently (Life Challenges)
Life is hard. It’s cliché, but that doesn’t make it any less true. Most people – most men – can’t take the heat. They’ll let the hardship get the better of them… but it DOESN’T have to be like that. Some guys will emerge triumphant. Do you know if you belong to that tier? I […]